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Read. Report. Track. Manage.  DICOM / HL7

Overview    |    DICOM Modality Worklist SCP    |    HL7 DICOM SR    |    DICOM Worklist Query Scheduler

PenRad Worklist Query Scheduler (PenFetch)

The PenRad Worklist Query Scheduler pre-fetches images (priors) and distributes directly to reading workstations in advance to eliminate wait fetch time during reading. Maximizes bandwidth of imaging network. Increases productivity for mammography imaging and other modalities. Automatically queries DICOM worklist with a schedule and process real-time additions. Filters by imaging modality and body type. Multi-destination, C-move, and/or query/retrieve and store capabilities. Scheduling allows bulk distribution at night, in turn network traffic is reduce to real-time imaging during the day, so net effect is increased bandwidth during day. Off-site imaging facilities and facilities with off-site image storage optimize their limited networks. Bundle with PenRad’s HL7/DICOM module expands the capability of this module generally only available in full RIS/PAC systems.

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