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Read. Report. Track. Manage.  DICOM / HL7

Overview    |    DICOM Modality Worklist SCP    |    HL7 DICOM SR    |    DICOM Worklist Query Scheduler


DICOM Conformance Statements

The following DICOM conformance statements are provided in PDF format. To download Adobe Reader, click here.

PenRad Worklist DICOM Conformance Statement
PenScan DICOM Conformance Statement
PenFetch DICOM Conformance Statement
PenSR DICOM Conformance Statement


PenRad HL7 Interface Specifications

DICOM Integration

As a PenRad mammography client, PenRad makes it easy to add automation as you make the transition to digital. Imaging facilities, with or without mammography, can add automation and productivity to patient care workflow with PenRad digital automation modules; generally only available in full HIS/RIS and PACS systems.

DICOM Modality Worklist SCP

The PenRad DICOM Worklist module operates in conjunction with the PenRad MIS allowing facilities to execute DICOM queries to eliminate manual data entry. The module supports DICOM based imaging modalities for worklist and "ad hoc" queries of patients with prior imaging information. This allows facilities to increase their efficiencies when transitioning to digital imaging and scanning priors for comparison. The software package is a Windows service.


The PenRad DICOM SR (structured report) module allows facilities to attach the narrative report to the mammography imaging file. The module creates a DICOM Basic SR of the narrative report when results are sent to the HIS/RIS. The PenRad DICOM Worklist and SR modules satisfy the need for current and historical imaging archival without the need for a full DICOM broker, reducing the cost of digital deployment.

DICOM Worklist Query Scheduler

PenRad's DICOM Worklist Scheduler allows facilitates to pre-fetch and distribute images directly to reading workstations in advance of when needed to eliminate downtime.

DICOM Library.net

PenRad's full suite of DICOM library components are available for licensing.

HL7 Integration

PenRad offers many HL7 compliant interfaces for bi-directional transfer of specific information to and from HIS/RIS systems. The PenRad HL7 interface module allows the automatic download of patient demographics and the upload of narrative reports via the industry standard HL7 data packets. The interface module (upload and download) offers a series of options to allow for the customization of the standard and non-standard data transfer elements.

The download function allows the downloading of patient demographics from the HIS/RIS system to the PenRad system. This typically contains PID and OBR elements. The upload function allows the report generated by the radiologist, to be uploaded to the HIS/RIS system by populating OBR and OBX sections. All mammographic data, patient data and practice analysis information resides on the PenRad system for administrative, auditing and report generation.

To facilitate a bi-directional interface to an existing HIS/RIS system, PenRad has delineated the specifications required to interface the RIS/HIS system to the PenRad system. All specifications are HL7 compliant and are designed to provide the HIS/RIS provider a bi-directional transfer of information. Other automatic bi-directional interface modules are available, but are not limited to: Flat File Interface, ASCII Text File with FTP Server.

HL7 Download: The PenRad interface system receives the HL7 messages from the RIS/HIS system. Incoming message is parsed and stored in the PenRad Mammography Database. Various formatting options are available.

HL7 Upload: The interpretive report data is extracted from the PenRad report archive database and is converted to HL7 packets and sent to the RIS/HIS System.

Communication module: The Communication module is a windows socket based program that allows PenRad to connect to the other machine in the network using a TCP/IP address and port, or using a valid host name. PenRad HL7 interface module can be configured to operate as the client for result upload and as the server for patient download. Communication and data transfer is real time between the PenRad and RIS/HIS system. PenRad acts as a client for upload and the data is processed from PenRad system and sent to the Host in HL7 format. PenRad acts as the server for downloads and it will listen for HL7 messages from the RIS/HIS HL7 System.

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